The people of Gnemo's world are a polytheistic group. They still have favorites among their many gods. This is a monument to one of the most beloved.
The world can turn on a phrase. In this giant library is held all the great quotes of history: those that brought forth an important truth and those that greatly deceived. Here students and scholars come to prepare themselves against obfuscation in all its myriad forms. This is a college for the study of language as a deadly art.
This metaphorical goddess at the entrance represents the seductive power of words as well as the beauty of clarity. Young children are familiar with the fables of this goddess. Each is a lesson taught through human foibles and shortcomings. In each tale she ultimately exposes the trickery of someone’s words with her own beautiful and succinct phrases. Those are carved into the stone of her pedestal.
You'll find it only after crossing a rickety rope bridge across a deep canyon. See: Canyon Temple
Pretty, pretty! Love all the intricate swirly details.
I love pencil drawings, but can't seem to manage toning it to this level without smudging everywhere... What magic trick am I missing?
I've watched Gnemo draw and he smudges the picture quite a bit. The side of his hand goes black. He used soft pencils because he has a very light touch and, with the right paper, it all erases easily. Also, most of the tonal work on his sketches was done with his hand raised holding the pencil its side. Every now and then he'd come over and borrow my electric pencil eraser though.
Other artists I know put vellum under their hands and I've been known to use a painter's approach -- a maulstick. I'll give this more thought though. There may be a trick I'm missing or misremembering.
So is having multiple personalities a disorder or an advantage? Personally I find it very useful when I'm bored. I did quite a lot of pencil drawing when I was a kid, until watercolours kicked in. It brings back memories when you give tips-it sounds familiar-also charcoal drawings were something that I enjoyed doing. I enjoy looking at your work and I notice the details and the "nuances". Actually I think nuance means subtle shadings.
Another excellent entry into the ole' sketchbook.
Lately I've been really interested in pushing the scale of my work and you do it so well. I'm inspired and intimidated by looking at these all at once!
you have a great blog, very interesting subjects. keep up the great work.
Amazing work. I am thrilled I discovered this place.
I've updated this entry with new information and I've corrected the name of this monument. Sorry for any confusion, but sometimes I find information that Gnemo has left in unexpected places.
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