This is a new beginning. The title link above will take you to the low resolution and full color version of Gnemo’s Journal on my website (around 20 pages at this point). If you have a problem linking to it, as a couple of people have complained about, it’s because your internet security is blocking the site. You may have to turn it off. If you know how I can fix this problem with my server, let me know.
I’m working on a higher resolution version of the sketchbook/journal that can be read much easier. You’ll likely find it frustrating though if you don’t have a large monitor and a fast connection.
Instead of pages from the sketchbook, I’ve decided to use this blog to put up newly “found” Gnemo art. It’ll be mostly drawings with the occasional painting. When I add new pages to the sketchbook I’ll make an announcement here.
It’s time to put up some architecture. You might think I’d get tired of doing these cityscapes but I never do. If I had my way I’d replace the rectangular glass blight I see in too many cities with something more inspiring.
really cool work!!!!
compliment pour vos dessins et peintures.
C'est beau et c'est drôle, bravo !
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